One Word Expression/ Single Word Substitution

Today, let us discuss about a few single word expressions or one word substitutions in a nutshell:

Agoraphobia: the fear of being in an open place

Altruist: one who is very unselfish by nature

Amnesia: one kind of forgetfulness

Amnesty: a usual pardon for offenders

Antagonist: the opponent to a protagonist

Anthology: a collection of poems

Anthropology: the study of birds

Apiculture: the science of keeping bees

Atheist: who believes that there is no God

Author: who writes a book

Autobiography: an account of one’s own life written by oneself

Bacon: the meat of the backside of a hog

Bibliography: a list of the source materials mentioned which are consulted in a writing

Biblioklept: a person who steals books

Bibliophile: one who loves books

Biography: an account of one’s life written by someone else

Bovine: related to cows, bulls, oxen, buffaloes etc.

Bursar: one who is a treasurer in a college or in a university

Canine: related to dogs

Cannibal: one who consumes human flesh

Carnivorous: living on flesh

Claustrophobia: the fear of remaining confined to a place

Comedy: a play ending on a note of happiness

Cosmopolitan: one who feels comfortable at any place in the world

Eavesdropper: one who listens to the others’ conversation secretly

Egalitarian: one who believes in equal rights and opportunities

Egoist: a very self-centred person

Egotist: a person who is too mush conceited or proud

Emigrant: one who leaves one’s own country by migrating

Euphemism: a figure of speech to say something foul in a fair manner

Feline: related to cats

Florist: one who deals in flowers

Fraternity: international relations established with ties of brotherhood

Fratricide: murdering one’s brother

Herbivorous: living on herbs or plants

Humanitarian: one who is charitable and helpful to the others

Immigrant: one who settles in some other country by migrating

Impervious: through which water cannot flow

Ingrate: an ungrateful person

Irony: one kind of sarcasm in which what is said is not meant and vice versa

Kleptomania: the obsession of stealing

Library: where books are kept for public reading

Lucubration: the act of studying by night

Maternal: relating to a mother

Matriarchal: that is controlled by the female

Matricide: murdering one’s mother

Megalomania: the obsession of doing something grand

Melophile: a person who loves music

Miming: one kind of acting or roleplaying without any word or dialogue

Misanthropy: hatred for mankind

Misogynist: a person who hates women

Museum: a gallery or one kind of exhibition hall

Nadir: the lowest point

Narcissist: one who is too mush selfish

Nepotism: one’s prejudice of showing partiality to one’s near and dear ones

Oculist/ Ophthalmologist: a doctor who is an eye-specialist

Omnipotent: who is all powerful

Omnipresent: who is present everywhere

Omniscient: who knows everything

Omnivorous: eating both plant and animal foods

Optimist: who looks at the bright sides

Orthography: the part of a language study with the focus on correct spelling

Pantheist: one who believes that God is everything and everything is God

Paternal: relating to a father

Patriarchal: that is controlled by the male

Patricide: murdering one’s father

Pessimist: who looks at the dull or dark sides

Philanthropy: love for mankind

Philozoic: one who loves animals

Photogenic: having an attractive look in a photo or in a video or film

Pinnacle: the highest point or a peak

Plagiarism: the stealth of another’s written or creative work

Playwright: who writes a play or drama

Polyandry: having more than one husband at the same time

Polygamy: having more than one wife at the same time

Polyglot/ Multilingual: one who knows several languages

Polymath: one who has profound knowledge in different fields of study

Protagonist: the main character

Pyromania: the obsession of igniting fire

Regicide: murdering the King

Samaritan: a person who helps others or who is charitable

Senorita: a title used to address to a Spanish-speaking unmarried woman

Serenade: a lover’s musical performance to woo the beloved under the latter’s window

Sororicide: murdering one’s sister

Suicide: murdering oneself

Sycophant: one who is a flatterer

Telepathy: communication between minds without using sensory perception

Tenacious: who holds on with determination firmly

Tenure: the term of one’s service

Terpsichorean: related to the act of dancing

Theist: who believes in God

Theomania: the obsession of thinking that one is specially chosen by God

Tragedy: a play ending on a note of sorrow

Uxorious: one who has excessive fondness for his wife

Vandalism: an act of causing deliberate damage

Venison: the meat of a deer

Versatile: one who is competent of being acclimatised in various activities

Viniculture: the science that teaches how to keep wines

Xenophobia: the fear of the foreigners

Zenith: the highest point


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