
Negative Capability: a Short Note

A brief note on Negative Capability propounded by John Keats Answer : Negative capability is a paradoxical term. It was propounded by John Keats. Poetic capability is achieved through a process of negation. One morning, John Keats noticed many sparrows chirping, and abruptly, he felt himself identical to that species of sparrows. Poetic self is the negation of one’s personal self. Keats used this phrase ‘negative capability’ in one of his letters to his friend, Reynold. Poetical process is a process of negation. According to the Modernists, a poet should ne gate his personal self in order to join another self. The Romantics may be called to have formed a bridge between the post-Romantics and the Modernists. According to Keats, sensuousness is an instrument that will help him attain ‘negative capability’. The keywords to the writing " A brief note on Negative Capability propounded by John Keats" Negative capability, paradoxical term, poetic ca

Symbolism in William Blake's "The Tyger"/ Use of Symbols in William Blake's "The Tyger", the theme poem of his 'Songs of Experience'

Question: Symbols in Blake’s poem The Tyger . Answer: William Blake, the precursor of Romanticism as well as a mystic, was the son of an engraver.  The Lamb  is the theme poem of his Songs of Experience while  The Tyger  is the theme poem of his Songs of Innocence . ‘Innocence’ and ‘Experience’ represent ‘the two contrary states of human soul’ altogether.  The tiger in Blake’s poem is a ferocious beast and an apocalyptic animal. It is made of fire. It symbolises Experience. It is rather opposed to the meek and mild lamb symbolising Innocence.  The tiger ‘burning bright’ is not evil. However, it fosters the force to conquer evil. He is rather symbolic of Christ as He fought against evil to achieve the higher state of Innocence. In utmost amazement and awe, the speaker utters, "Tyger, Tyger, burning bright/ In the forests of the night/In what immortal hand or eye/ Was framed thy fearful symmetry?"  The Tyger is constructed in the form of a series of questions rather than

Marlowe's Doctor Faustus as a tragic hero / subject matter of the play is aspiration and frustration / various stages of Faustus's damnation / Faustus's character in Marlowe's play "Doctor Faustus"

Question: Doctor Faustus as a tragic hero / the subject matter of this tragedy is aspiration and frustration / the various stages of Faustus’s damnation / character of Doctor Faustus Answer : Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe is a tragic drama of five Acts written in blank verse and prose. The legend first appeared in the ‘Faustbuch’ published in 1587. It was translated into English as The History of the Damnable Life and Deserved Death of Doctor John Faustus . Marlowe in his play followed such an outline of the story.  Many critics have interpreted that Doctor Faustus is a genuine tragedy in English literature. In the other plays like Tamburlaine , The Jew of Malta etc, Christopher Marlowe had concentrated on the theme of ambition or aspiration. Naturally, Doctor Faustus as a tragic play is no exception. It is outstanding in its maturity and brilliance in the grand tragic conception as well as its execution.  In Act I or in the opening section of the play, we see Doctor

Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" -- A Spiritual Autobiography

Question: Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is a ‘spiritual autobiography’. – Discuss. Answer : Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is a complete novel in every sense. While this work of art is basically about the actions and the adventures of the narrator-protagonist named Robinson Crusoe, it has multi-layered meanings from multidimensional angles. Some critics say that this novel is a ‘spiritual autobiography’. The others say that it is an allegory or a fable. Apart from delineating Crusoe’s thirst for survival, this novel depicts the spiritual upliftment of the protagonist. We notice, at the outset, that Crusoe was a bohemian, a vagabond, a daredevil and an adventurous boy. He was born at the city of York in England. From the very beginning, he used to dream of seafaring and so, his father used to advise him again and again that middle station invites fewest disasters and troubles. Perceiving that his father was against his dreams of seafaring, he began to

Webster's "The Duchess of Malfi" -- a mirror to Jacobean England/ existence of corruption in the Jacobean society

Question: Webster draws our attention to the existence of corruption in all walks of life in the Jacobean society. Do you agree?/ The play is a mirror to Jacobean England. Answer: John Webster, in his Jacobean revenge and decadent tragedy named The Duchess of Malfi , draws our attention to the existence of corruption in all walks of life in the Jacobean society. In this context, we must have a clear idea of decadence. It refers to the devaluation of moral values, In the Jacobean English society, the people had no good sense, morality, ethics etc. They were only interested in their self-profit and taking revenge. Then sensationalism became the favourite of the English people. Fundamentally, depending on such mentality and temperament of the Jacobean English people, the dramas presented the 'decadent philosophy'. In The Duchess of Malfi , we come to notice a decadent social picture that is full of corruption, immorality, bloodshed, dance of death,

Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel" as a political satire raised to epic grandeur/Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel" as an epic in miniature/Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel" as a representative heroic poem/ Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel" as a blend of wit with a heroic base/ epical grandeur in Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel"/ Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel" is a mock epic

Question: "Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel  has epical grandeur." -- Discuss / Do you agree with the view that John Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel  is a political satire raised to epic grandeur? / Absalom and Achitophel  is an epic in miniature. -- Discuss. / Absalom and Achitophel  is a blend of wit with a heroic base. -- Discuss / Absalom and Achitophel  is a representative heroic poem. -- Discuss. Answer: At the very outset of our discussion, we must have a clear idea of what an epic is. An epic is generally a long, narrative poem in elevated style. It is marked by seriousness, solemnity and grandeur, the characters of which are larger than life. An epic deals with lofty characters portrayed in an excelled way. Further, compactness is a notable feature of this genre. An epic poem is episodic in structure. That is to say, one episode after another frequently takes place in this kind of poem with digressions. Moreover, we find

Characters of Bhiku and the Chief Robber in "Rajmohan's Wife", an English novel by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay/ Characterisation of Bhiku and the Chief Robber in "Rajmohan's Wife", an English novel by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay/ Character portrayal and analysis of Bhiku and the Chief Robber in "Rajmohan's Wife" thoroughly in easy language with deep understanding

We come across the characters of the  dacoit sardar  or the chief robber and his companion, Bhiku in the sixth chapter of the novel named  Rajmohan’s Wife written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay. While Rajmohan was engaged in hatching a conspiracy with the the two robbers in his residential house, all of them conspired how to commit a daring robbery in Madhav Ghose's house. But why? They did so in order to wrench the uncle’s will from his hand. They wanted to harry away his property too. The robbers were not only very heartless but also were they too much ruthless. Before invading the house of Madhav Ghose, they kept themselves concealed in the mango grove. Making a terrific shout from the wilderness, the dacoits went away.  Thereafter, the gang barged into Rajmohan's house. Their deeds frankly speak of  their wickedness and ill mentality. Then the robbers were given the assignment to abduct Madhav Ghose. Anyway, after the act of abduction, Madhav was he