
Showing posts from May, 2022

Character of Suki’s Mother/ Portrait of Suki’s Mother in ‘Rajmohan’s Wife’ by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee/ Character Sketch of Suki’s Mother

In Rajmohan's Wife , a novel by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, we come across the character of Suki’s mother in the twelfth chapter of the work. Portrayed as a bucolic character, she is a middle-aged woman. She had dark complexion with partial hair growth and a creased visage. Clad in abrasive clothes, she had a very simple appearance. She had a couple of friends named Kanak and Matangini. Apart from being sympathetic to Matangini, she was full of duty, responsibility and awareness of her household chores. Besides being helpful and supportive, Suki’s mother, by and large, loved and advised Matangini a lot. She was suffused with receptivity, compassion and affection. Moreover, she fostered a mind that was practical. Suki’s mother, with a heart full of mercy, with strong resolution, worked as a maidservant in Mathur Ghose’s residence. She was very much loyal too. However, nothing or nobody can be bereft of any ill act. Who can be perfect completely? Suki’s mother was not an except

Cuckoldry in ‘Rajmohan’s Wife’/ A note on Cuckoldry/ Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay’s novel ‘Rajmohan’s Wife’: Cuckoldry

At the outset of our discussion, let us all have an idea of the term ‘cuckold’. ‘Cuckold’ refers to the husband of an unfaithful or adulterous wife. The chief purpose of cuckoldry, a crucial feature of the Restoration Comedy of Manners, is to ridicule the society by means of satire. Rajmohan’s Wife records the story of Matangini who is a pure and untainted girl. The novel also gives an account of her ill and unhappy wedlock with Rajmohan. In course of the novel, we come to find that Rajmohan is actually brutal and cruel by nature through and through. Matangini was in love with Madhav before her marriage with Rajmohan. Madhav has been portrayed to be an English-educated man. However, she had to get married to Rajmohan due to her father’s pressure. Matangini, the female protagonist in Bankim Chandra’s novel, is found to be oscillating between the social norms and her scruples. After leaving the house with Kanak for fetching water, she asserts her own identity against the norms of the pa